Friday, 12 August 2011

Automated Forex Trading Software - Don't Lose Your Money

For a hundred dollars there are numerous poorly automated Forex trading applications that promise to make you money while you do nothing and without making any effort. There are many for sale; yes, traders still purchase them even with the glaring fact that if they really worked as promised 95% of traders would not be losing money. The fact is that if you think automated software performs better than the top fund mangers, you will also lose money.

Essentially Forex trading is a simple system and because they are robust, by having fewer elements to break, simple systems outperform complicated systems. In just a few weeks you can put together a simple system and make profits in just 30 minutes a day. Also, some think that frequent trading provides more potential to profit, the opposite is true. Trading too often results in taking low odds trades and losing. Furthermore, many think that because they're clever and hard working traders they will win, this may be true in other jobs but not in trading Forex. Successful Forex trading requires you to be patient and wait for high odds trades, which will make you money with little effort.

This is what Forex Expert Advisors, Robots and others want you to believe, that the market is moved by some higher power, but since when did science move the market? Humans make prices and human behavior is anything but predictable with scientific accuracy. If there were such a theory that could predict the future there wouldn't be a market because we would all know the future prices. Know that Forex trading is an odds game, you will make losing trades but if you make a run of your profits and cut your losses, you'll make money in the long term. Trade the objective reality of price changes to avoid your predictions being as accurate as a horoscope.

Click here to learn more about Automated Forex Trading